Code Enforcement
Winslow Township has 3 full time Code Enforcement Officers who respond to a wide variety of calls - which include reports of high grass, abandoned or vacant properties, property maintenance issues, and much more.
Winslow Township Code Enforcement is ready to assist! If you wish to report a non-urgent matter to the Township Code Enforcement you may do so by going to the townships website - this link will also put the Township "FAQ" at your fingertips.
Should you wish to call Code Enforcement you may do so at (609) 567-0700 or email
Please note that for any property that is abandoned, vacant or in some form of foreclosure - please note the updated ordinance at
To access the form to register any abandoned or vacant property NOT in foreclosure, please download the registration form and email it to
Animal Control
Winslow Township has 2 full time Animal Control Officers who respond to a wide variety of calls. Their primary objective is public health and safety – as well as the safe and humane care of animals within Winslow Township. On any given day Animal Control may respond to calls for a missing dog, of a feral cat that needs to be safely transported to the shelter, a suspected case of animal neglect, or responding to a call for a dog or cat that was found and the owner needs to be located. Winslow Township Animal Control Officers are outfitted with tablets that enable them to immediately locate whether a lost pet is licensed with the Township and if the animal is microchipped. Since the Animal Control Officers patrol the municipality on a daily basis – many of the animals are known to the officers, and in the unfortunate circumstance that an animal is found – many times they are already aware of who the owner may be and contact the resident. Animal Control Officers are also sometimes dispatched on rare occasions where a medical emergency of a pet owner requires animal control to come in and secure the animal for their safety/well-being.
Outfitting the Animal Control Officers with tablets has greatly assisted in matters where a pet owner has been located – and if the animal is not yet licensed, the officer will educate the resident on the licensing process and the reasons for the license. A reasonable timeframe will be afforded to license the animal before any citations are possibly issued.
If you suspect that an animal is being abused or neglected, please contact Animal Control at (609) 567-0700 x1885 the police department via the dispatch number (609) 561-3300 so that it can be properly reviewed/investigated. For more information please click here.
To learn more about how to prevent animal cruelty or details on how to report suspected animal cruelty please review the below documents.
1) Ways to Prevent Animal Cruelty
2) Report Animal Cruelty
3) Stop Animal Cruelty
Shelter Information
As of January 1, 2017, Winslow Township will be utilizing the Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center (formerly known as Camden County Animal Shelter) located at 125 County House Road, Blackwood, NJ 08012. The phone number is 856-401-1300. If you need to surrender an animal please call the Homeward Bound Pet Adoption Center.
For further details please contact Winslow Township Animal Control at 609 567-0700 x1500.
Report NON-URGENT matters to the Township Animal Control via the Township online system,
Licensing Education
Why is it important to license your pet?
Licensing of the animals within the Township ensures that the animals are up to date on their rabies vaccination and to ensure that, if your pet is found, it helps create an easy way for Animal Control to locate the proper owners, and to reach out to them to allow safe return of the animal. In an emergency situation when a person is bit by a domestic animal – licensure allows Animal Control to quickly identify if the animal is up to date on the rabies vaccination to hopefully avoid any unnecessary rabies treatment for the person who is bit.
Access the licensure form HERE.
What You Can Do
Advice from the State of New Jersey Office of Animal Welfare
- Spay and neuter your pets! Locate low-cost spay/neuter programs
- Educate yourself before you acquire a pet.
- Adopt from your local shelter or rescue organization.
- Volunteer at a local shelter or for a rescue organization.
- Report any concerns regarding animal facility sanitary conditions to your local health agency and/or to the State Department of Health.
- Report any concerns of animal cruelty, neglect or abuse to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and to the animal cruelty investigator in your municipality (Winslow Township Animal Control (609) 567-0700 ext. 1500 or for emergencies (609) 561-3300).
- Be prepared to ensure your pet's safety in an emergency. Make sure your emergency plan addresses what you will do when an emergency requires you to leave your home, leave your pet at home, or prevents you from returning home.
Contact Information
Secretary Sandi Heinz
(609) 567-0700 Ext. 7002
Code Enforcement:
Officer Hudson
(609) 567-0700 Ext. 7005
Officer Bagielto
(609) 567-0700 Ext. 7100
Officer Fooks
(609) 567-0700 Ext. 7102
Animal Control:
ACO Karen Badiacco
(609) 567-0700 Ext. 1500
ACO Randi Warner
(609) 567-0700 Ext. 1501
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm