Tax Assessor
Assessor’s Office Functions - Responsibilities
The Municipal Assessor and the Assessor’s Office have the statutory responsibility of maintaining property record data for all properties within the Township.
The Assessor is responsible to the citizens of the municipality for the determination of the market value of all real estate within the township for assessing purposes. This is to assure uniformity of value and that the fair share of the tax burden is being distributed equitably.
The Municipal Assessor and the Assessor’s Office maintain tax maps and all property record information which is utilized for Ad-Valorem purposes. Copies of recorded deeds can be obtained from the Camden County Clerk's Office.
Request for a copy of a Property Record Card must be submitted in writing. You can email the request to the Assessor's Office, be sure to include the block and lot number of the PRC you are requesting.
Request for Ownership information and/or verification can be found on the Camden County Board of Taxation website. You can also view the County GIS system from their website.
The office also reviews and maintains all Property Tax Deductions (seniors, veterans, disabled), farmland applications, income and expenses statements, 5 Year Abatements and Exemptions.
About Your Assessment
Property assessments are determined by the fair market value of the property (i.e. what a property would sell for on the open market between a willing buyer and willing seller). Property assessments were established and certified by the County and State to be at 100% of market value during the last Revaluation in 2012. The current year, 2024 Equalization Ratio for Winslow Township is 69.23%
Since all assessments are an opinion of value, the State allows for assessments to be within +/15% of market value to be deemed correct. Property owners who disagree with their assessment receive an annual Notice of Assessment on or by February 1st of every year and have from February 1st to April 1st to file an appeal with the Camden County Board of Taxation. The burden of proof is on the property owner to show that the property is over valued and evidence must be provided.
The Camden County Board of Taxation accepts on-line appeals along with paper appeals. Please visit their website for appeal information and instructions. Camden County Board of Taxation
Additionally, every October, all assessors file a list of properties that allows them to assess new construction, additions, renovations and other improvements to properties that have been completed in that calendar year. To determine the Added Assessment, the property is valued in its totality at full market value (not just the portion that was added) then the existing assessment is subtracted. The improvement is valued as of the first day of the month following when it is substantially completed for its intended use.
Please note that the completion date, as determined by the Assessor, is not the same as the date of C.O., C.A. or construction office final inspection. Not scheduling a final inspection for your building permit does not delay the Added Assessment. Furthermore, not getting a permit does not prevent the Added Assessment. An assessment of an improvement is made regardless of whether there was a permit or not.
The Added Assessments tax bills are mailed in October and are due on November 1st. The deadline for filing an Added Assessment is December 1st.
About Your Property Taxes
Property Taxes are calculated by multiplying your total current year assessment by the current tax year tax rate. The Assessor has no control over your property taxes in so far as the assessed value usually remains the same, but the tax rate changes year to year.
(i.e. assessment $150,000 x tax rate $0.03902 = $ 5,853.00)
2023 |
2022 |
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
2018 |
Common Level Ratio |
69.23% |
77.59% |
87.84% |
94.61% |
97.41% |
97.79% |
100.14% |
Total Tax Rate |
$3.799 |
$3.64 |
$3.585 |
$3.537 |
Additional year Common Level Ratios and Tax Rates (which may not include the municipality's Fire District Rates) can be found online from the Camden County Board of Taxation.
The Tax Rate is established by the taxing authorities (County, Municipality, Schools, Library, and Fire District) based on their annual budgets. Concerns and Questions regarding the amount of these Budgets need to be addressed to these Authorities.
Questions regarding property taxes (bills/amounts due/deadline for payments/ liens/etc) should be directed to the Tax Collector's Office 609-567-0700 option #3.
Address Changes
Requests to change/update mailing addresses must be submitted in writing via regular mail or email. Changes will not be taken over the phone. For your convenience, please complete and submit this Address Change Request Form.
Tax Payer Bill of Rights
Contact Information
Township of Winslow - Assessor's Office
125 South Route 73
Braddock NJ 08037
Darlene Campbell, CTA
Tina Cabot, CTA Assistant Assessor
MaryAnn Frye, Assessing Clerk
Carolyn Chaykin, Assessing Clerk
Phone: (609) 567-0700 option #9
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Important Links