WHEREAS, the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Winslow, by Resolution adopted on May 28, 2019, did determine that properties identified as Block 2504, Lots 4.02, 4.03, 4.04 and 7.02 were determined to be an area in need of redevelopment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq.);
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Winslow considered, and did approve, by Ordinance #2020-019 adopted on July 21, 2020, a Redevelopment Plan for the Area; and
WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Plan complied with the requirements of all applicable State and Federal statutes and regulations promulgated thereunder;
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend the Redevelopment Plan to accommodate specific redevelopment requirement within the various districts and areas defined therein;
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Winslow, by Resolution adopted on April 26, 2022, did determine that properties identified as Block 2504, Lot 13 were determined to be an area in need of redevelopment pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq.);
WHEREAS, upon passage of this Ordinance Amending the Redevelopment Plan for Block 2504, Lots 4.02, 7.02 , & Lot 13 the provisions hereof shall amend and supersede the Redevelopment Plan;
WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Township of Winslow has submitted to the Mayor and Township Committee its recommendations respecting the amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for the Area and the Mayor and Township Committee has duly considered the Planning Board’s recommendations concerning same;
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Winslow, as the Redevelopment Entity under the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq., has reviewed and considered the recommended amendments to the Redevelopment Plan from the Planning Board;
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Winslow, as the Redevelopment Entity under the Local Redevelopment and Housing Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq., has reviewed the certain proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan, approved by the Winslow Township Planning Board, and wish to adopt these amendments as referenced in Exhibit “A” to this Ordinance, attached hereto and made a part hereof this Ordinance; and,
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Winslow has determined that approving the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan will be in the best interest of the residents of the Township of Winslow.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Township Committee of the Township of Winslow, County of Camden and State of New Jersey that:
- That the proposed amendments to the Redevelopment Plan, as referenced in Exhibit “A” to this Ordinance, attached hereto and made a part hereof this Ordinance, be and hereby are adopted as amendments to Ordinance #2020-019 and any and all subsequent revisions to this Ordinance;
- It is hereby found and determined that the Amended Redevelopment Plan conform to the Master Plan of the Township of Winslow;
- It is hereby found and determined that the Amended Redevelopment Plan give due consideration to the provision of appropriate allowable uses of the areas as is desirable for a Senior (over 55) Townhouse residential development, with special consideration for the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the areas and the Township of Winslow;
- It is hereby found and determined that the amendments to the Redevelopment Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of the area and are necessary in order to redevelop around Churchill Redevelopment Area in the Township of Winslow;
- In order to facilitate the implementation of the Redevelopment Plan and the amendments thereto, it is hereby found and determined that this action must be taken by this Township Committee to amend sections of the Redevelopment Plan in order to facilitate the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Area;
- Development activity pursuant to the Redevelopment Plan and its amendments shall only be related to the area and any analysis of surrounding area contained in the Redevelopment Plan and its amendments shall not be construed to mean that the Township of Winslow intends to develop such surrounding areas;
- The Redevelopment Plan for the area and its amendments, having been duly reviewed and considered, is hereby approved, and the Township Clerk is hereby directed to file a copy of the Redevelopment Plan with the minutes of this meeting;
- Upon adoption, a copy of this Ordinance shall be filed with The Pinelands Commission for review and certification pursuant to the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan's rules and regulations. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, this Ordinance shall not take effect until certified by The Pinelands Commission as required by law;
- Upon adoption of this Ordinance after public hearing thereon, the Township Clerk is further directed to publish notice of the passage thereof and to file a copy of this Ordinance with the County Planning Board and other agencies as required by law;
- All Ordinances contrary to the provisions of this section of the Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent that they are inconsistent herewith; and
- This Ordinance shall take effect upon final passage and publication in accordance with law, and approval from the New Jersey Pinelands Commission.
INTRODUCED: June 14, 2022
_____________________________ ____________________________
Lisa L. Dority, RMC, Township Clerk By: Marie D. Lawrence, Mayor
I, Lisa Dority, Clerk of the Township of Winslow, hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of an Ordinance adopted by the Mayor and Township Committee at their meeting of August 16, 2022 held in the Municipal Building, 125 South Route 73, Braddock, New Jersey.
Lisa L. Dority, RMC, Township Clerk
T:\Lisa\REDEVELOPMENT\Churchill\Ord Amendment to Redevelopment Plan - Final.docx
Cover Page:
Block 2504, Lots 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, & 7.02, & 13
Winslow Township, Camden County, New Jersey
June 5, 2020
Amended April 2022
Township Committee
Marie D. Lawrence, Mayor
Charles Leps
Brandon Glikas
Evelyn M. Leverett
Carlos Vascos - BSN, RN
Raymond Watkins, Jr.
Charles Flamini
John A. Wilson
Jacquelyn Lee
Table of Contents:
8.0 Appendices
Appendix B: Concept Plan
Section 1.1 Purpose of and Statutory Basis for the Redevelopment Plan (pg. 1)
Amend the first paragraph as follows:
The Redevelopment Area subject to this plan is Block 2504 Lots 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 7.02, and 13 that is a total of approximately 16 acres in size, located in between Route 73 and Cooper Folly Road. The Township of Winslow designated the sites as an Area In Need of Redevelopment by Resolution #2019-163 of the Township Council, on May 28, 2019; and subsequent designation of Lot 13 as an Area In Need of Redevelopment by Resolution #2022-151 of the Township Council, on April 26, 2022.
Section 1.3 Area Boundaries and Locational Context (pg. 2 & 3)
Amend this section to add the following
The Redevelopment Area is amended to add one additional property Lot 13 located south of the original lots on Cooper Folly Road. The additional Lot 13 is 0.75 acres. The revised Redevelopment Area comprises of five (5) properties and is a total of 15.75 acres.
Section 1.4 Existing Conditions (pg. 3)
Amend the first paragraph as follows:
Currently, as shown in the map above, the Redevelopment Area consists of a professional office and its associated parking along Route 73, and vacant wooded lands in the rear of the site and along Cooper Folly Road. The five properties that make up the Redevelopment Area are each irregularly shaped, and can be grouped essentially into two areas: the western and eastern sections of the Area. The western section is made up of a part of Lot 4.02, and lots 4.03 and 4.04. This section of the area is developed with the office building parking area that serve as the home of Churchill Engineers. The eastern section of the Area is Lots 7.02, 13, and the remaining eastern half of Lot 4.02. These lots are undeveloped woodlands, and have a two non-contiguous frontages on Cooper Folly Road.
Amend the second paragraph as follows:
A small portion of Lot 7.02, the flag pole portion of the flag lot, as well as the entirety of Lot 13, is located in the PR-4 High-Density Residential district.
Section 2.2 Plan Goals and Objectives (pg. 5)
Amend the section as follows:
The goals of the Redevelopment Plan are as follows:
- To provide new housing options in the form of townhouse units.
Section 3.2 Definitions (pg. 6)
Amend the section to add the following:
Dwelling, Senior Townhouse – a building containing three (3) or more attached dwelling units erected in a row, each unit being separate from the adjoining unit, but attached by a common or party wall and each unit having separate individual outside access and individual public water and sewerage facilities and connections. Each unit shall be deed-restricted and age-restricted to fifty-five (55) years of age.
Section 3.3 Land Use and Zoning Standards (pg. 6)
Amend the second paragraph as follows:
The Redevelopment Area shall be split into two distinct land use districts; the professional office district, and the senior residential district. The Professional Office district shall be the western half of Lot 4.02, and the entirety of Lots 4.03 and 4.04. The Senior Residential District shall be made up of the eastern half of Lot 4.02, and the entirety of Lots 7.02 and 13.
Amend subsection A: Permitted Principal Uses (pg. 8) as follows:
- Senior Residential District:
A. No more than a total of 213 units shall be permitted in this district. For the purposes of this section, for institutional use such as memory care a unit is identified as a private individual room containing single bed and no kitchen facilities. For residential uses, one unit shall be identified as one residential unit per the definition provided in Section 3.2 of this plan.
Any one or combination of the following uses within a single building/ structure shall be permitted provided no more than total 213 units shall be permitted.
- Institutional Uses:
Memory Care facilities
- Residential Uses:
- Assisted living facilities
- Independent living facilities
- Any senior residential facility that is substantially similar in nature and impact to one of the permitted uses listed above.
B. Age restricted townhouse development not to exceed 55 units.
C. A combination of uses A and B shall not be permitted
Amend subsection B: Permitted Accessory Uses (pg. 8) as follows:
- Outdoor recreation areas and amenities similar but not limited to:
- Open Recreation Areas
- Outdoor Fire Pits
- Community Gardens
- Pickleball Courts
Amend subsection C: Area, Yard, and Bulk Requirements (pg. 9) as follows:
Senior Residential District
Assisted Living/Memory Care/Independent Living
Townhouse Development
(Individual lots)
Minimum Lot Area
6 acres
3,000 square feet
Minimum Front Yard Setback
100 feet
20 feet
Minimum Side Yard Setback
25 feet
0 feet
Minimum Rear Yard Setback
50 feet
20 feet
Maximum Building Height
4 stories / 60 feet
3 stories / 45 feet
Maximum Lot Coverage
Maximum Building Coverage
Maximum Height Accessory Structure
15 feet
15 feet
Maximum Side Yard Accessory Structure
15 feet
10 feet
Maximum Rear Yard Accessory Structure
20 feet
10 feet
Amend subsection D: Additional Land Use Requirements (pg. 9) as follows:
- For development of a singular building facility, a landscaped buffer with a minimum width of 15 feet shall be provided around the tract boundaries.
- For a Senior Townhouse development, a setback with a minimum width of 10 feet shall be provided around the tract boundaries.
- A stormwater detention or retention basin which serves the development may be included within a required buffer area if the perimeter of the basin is landscaped.
- All proposed development shall provide for the payment of all development fees in accordance with Chapter 128 of the Township Code.
- All development in the redevelopment area shall comply with the minimum environmental standards of the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan (N.J.A.C. 7:50).
Amend subsection E: Affordable Housing Requirement (pg. 9) as follows:
2. Senior Residential District:
The proposed total of all residential units in the Senior Residential District shall, including Independent Living Units, Assisted Living Units, and/ or substantially similar senior residential units, Age restricted Townhouse Development, permitted under Section A of this Plan shall have a mandatory set-aside of 20% for low and moderate income units subject to Chapter 295 of the ordinance. This shall be met through a combination of payment in lieu and a combination of on/off site units. This shall be negotiated via redeveloper’s agreement.
Amend subsection F: Pinelands Development Credit (PDC) (pg. 9) as follows:
1. Pinelands Development Credits (PDC’s) shall be acquired and redeemed for twenty-five percent (25%) of all residential units in the Senior Residential District, including Independent Living Units, Assisted Living units and/or “substantially similar” senior residential units, or age restricted townhouse units, permitted pursuant to Section A above. This is equivalent to one quarter (1/4) of a Pinelands Development Credit purchased and redeemed for every four (4) Independent living units, assisted living and/or substantially similar senior units developed as a part of this Plan
Section 4.1 Parking and Circulation Requirements (pg. 10 & 11)
Amend subsection B: Circulation Requirements (pg. 11) as follows:
- The primary entrance for any senior residential development shall be located on Coopers Folly Road, and the primary entrance for any professional office development shall be located on Route 73.
- Internal access driveways connecting any development to another development within the Redevelopment Area shall be permitted.
- Internal access driveways connecting any senior residential development to the adjacent Camden County Library shall be permitted.
- Sidewalks or pedestrian walkways with a minimum width of 4 feet shall be provided between any Assisted Living/ Memory care/ Age Restricted development and the adjacent Camden County Library facility. Agreement with County would be required.
- For any Assisted living/memory Care or substantially similar facility, a passenger drop-off area shall be provided within 50 feet of the building’s primary entrance.
- Driveways for a Senior Townhouse development may be located zero (0) feet from the adjoining property line(s).
- Residential driveways for Senior Townhouse units shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet in width and shall be accessed from a larger internal circulation drive aisle.
Section 4.4 Signage Standards (pg. 12)
Amend the section as follows:
- All signs within the Redevelopment Area shall conform to Chapter §296-80 of the Winslow Township Zoning Code, except where otherwise noted herein.
- Any development project may be permitted a maximum of one development identification sign. The sign shall be a ground mounted sign with a maximum sign area of 50 square feet per face, exclusive of any sign structure or masonry support members. The maximum width of any ground mounted project identification sign shall be 10 feet. The maximum height of any such sign shall be 6.5 feet.
- Building mounted signs shall also be permitted on any memory care/assisted living or substantially similar facility. A maximum of two building mounted façade signs shall be permitted.
- Each building mounted façade sign shall have a maximum sign area of 20 square feet.
- Directional and safety signage shall be permitted to ensure ease of vehicular and pedestrian circulation throughout the site.
- Buildings with multiple commercial tenants shall be permitted one building or wall mounted sign per tenant. The total area of all signage shall be no greater than 5 percent of the ground floor façade area of the façade of the building to which they are affixed.
- Directional signs shall be no more than 5 feet in height, 12 square feet in size, and shall be setback a minimum of 5 feet from the ROW.
T:\Lisa\REDEVELOPMENT\Churchill\Ord Amendment to Redevelopment Plan - Final.docx