WATER CONSERVATION

Water Conservation is important all year round - however it is especially important during the dry days of Summer.

Mandatory Water Conservation Measures have NOT been lifted and are still in effect.

These measures have been in effect since June 1, 2006.

They are as follows: Odd numbered houses should water their lawns on odd numbered calendar days. Even numbered houses should water on even numbered calendar days.

In addition, you may only water between the hours of 5 -7 A.M. and 7 -9 P.M.

Sprinkler zones may only run a maximum of 20 minutes per zone. 

No one may water their lawns on the 31st day of the month.

These restrictions do not apply to privately owned wells.

Please visit the DEP link below to learn different ways that Winslow Township’s residents, can help save this precious resource.
