In accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act, P.L. 1975 Chapter 231 as amended, take notice that on August 10, 2021 the Planning Board of the Township of Winslow shall conduct a Special Meeting of the Planning Board at 7:00 p.m. at the Winslow Township Municipal Building, 125 South Route 73, Winslow Township, New Jersey. The purpose of the special meeting is to discuss and/or act upon the following:
1) Consideration and review of proposed Ordinance Amending Chapter 294 of the Code of the Township of Winslow, which Ordinance shall adopt standards permitting and regulating the number of Cannabis Establishments, Cannabis Distributors and Cannabis Delivery services except for the delivery of Cannabis items and related supplies by a Cannabis delivery service based and initiated from outside of the municipality, more specifically including cannabis establishments as a conditional use within the non-Pinelands portion of the Township;
2) Consideration and review of proposed Ordinance Amending Chapter 296 of the Code of the Township of Winslow, which Ordinance shall prohibit medical and recreational cannabis establishments, cannabis distributors or cannabis delivery services within any Pinelands Area Zoning District of the Township of Winslow, except for properties which have already been granted land use approvals and/or zoning permits for such use.
3) Any other regular business which may come before the Winslow Township Planning Board.